Integrating GIS with social purposes within educational curricula: “Zaragoza Accesible” study case


Geographic Information Systems provide a series of great opportunities to those professionals whose activity is related to the city and the territory, like urbanists and the like. Fully aware of this new reality, the Escuela de Arquitectura y Tecnología at Universidad San Jorge (from now on, EARTE and USJ, respectively) has started a series of actions aimed to the gradual introduction of such tools. One of those actions is the activity called “Mapping for an accessible Zaragoza”, which will be developed throughout this paper. The following pages will present its objectives, methodology and development in order to integrate ICT, GIS and accessibility for impaired people within the context of the 4th year’s course Urban Studies 6

Jornadas sobre Innovación Docente en Arquitectura

Comunicación en la que detallamos la práctica de innovación docente realizada en el marco de la asignatura Urbanismo VI de la Escuela de Arquitectura y Tecnología de la USJ y el proyecto de investización Zaragoza Accesible como hilo argumental para el aprendizaje de la utilización de SIG y con una aplicacición concreta con fines sociales.

Carlos Cámara-Menoyo
Carlos Cámara-Menoyo
Architect. PhD. Lecturer. Life-long Learner. Transdisciplinary.

I love learning, teaching and researching, as well as sharing and visualizing data, specially with maps. I have a technical and social background and my multiple research interests are centered around the commodifications between cities, technology and society within informationalism and free culture paradigm. So far, I have applied that approach on the topic of social and spatial inequities.
