Digital tools for knowledge exchange and sustainable public food procurement in community kindergartens: A case study in Słupsk, Poland

This article presents a case study on the experimental co-creation process of a digital platform supporting Sustainable Public Food Procurement (SPFP) in public kindergartens in a medium-sized city in Poland. The organisation of SPFP requires a …

Co-designing grounded visualisations of the Food-Water-Energy nexus to enable urban sustainability transformations

In the past few years, the Food-Water-Energy (FWE) Nexus has emerged as a key concept to address the complex relationships and interdependencies between food, water, and energy systems. Cities are an important context for understanding the FWE nexus …

Ethical-political elements in research and intervention: reflections from social psychology

Assuming that social psychology is directly, intrinsically, totally and fundamentally political (Ibáñez, 1983), in this text we make a brief reflection in relation to the political and ethical character of the work in …

Towards an urban agenda of the commons: a case study of the political demands of the urban commons in Barcelona

Urban commons is still an ambiguous concept from a theoretical standpoint and diverse in empirical terms, despite its popularity among urban social movements and academic studies. As a result, it is difficult to assess their impact on the production …

Problematizing Urban Commons: Towards a “Provincialised” Approach

The commons discourse has permeated all facets of human action, like cities, and it has given rise to all kinds of commons , such as urban commons. Despite their popularity, urban commons remain a suggestive and slippery concept. To contribute to a …

The Precariousness Of Urban Commons In The Face Of European Public Law

Urban commons are a form of conceptualisation and self-management of the production of space that presents itself as a divergent alternative to the legal-economic dichotomy Public (General Interest of the State) vs Private (Free will of the parties …

Accessibility and collaborative information technologies. Cartographies for an inclusive city

Performative character of social action is an active force in the development of everyday life, in social organization and in the planning of urban environments. Despite the exponential increase in the availability of data describing our daily habits …

Assessing Subjective Perspectives On Neighbourhoods As A Complementary Method For Qualitative Calculus Of Social Risk: The Case Of MRSZ In Zaragoza

The assessment of social risk has traditionally been based on the quantification of objective data on demography, economy or morphology. At the project “Social Risk Map of Zaragoza” (MRSZ in Spanish) we are developing complementary methods that are …

Thematisation And City-Branding. Towards A Definition Of Concepts, Effects And Action Strategies

The working group Recuperem la ciutat was born as a joint effort of reflection and mobilization from the coincidence of interests and concerns of a group of professionals and academics from different backgrounds and disciplinary practices, which are …

The Architecture of Seduction: An Analysis on Digital Architectures within Consumer Society

Currently new digital tools used in architecture are often at the service of a conception of architecture asconsumer society’s cultural good. Within this neoliberal cultural frame, architects’ social function is no longer seen as the production of …